1: As a way of life based on the vision of Oneness.
2: As a methodology to counter the stress and pressure of modern day living.
3: As a holistic system to unravel the innate potentiality in man.
4: As a tool to bring social harmony.
5: As a path to spiritual development.
Yoga being the core of Vivekananda Kendra activities, at VK AICYAM, Bhubaneswar, worthwhile efforts will be made through various activities:
1: To study and research on the efficacy of Yoga as a factor for bringing harmony not only between one’s body and mind but also between Man and Nature, between Self and Society.
2: To study the application of Yogic concepts and techniques for advancement of Education, Health and Social integration with modern scientific approach.
3:To research and prepare different Yoga modules for the benefit of different category and for people of various segments of our society.
4: To undertake various activities for wider dissemination of information about benefits of practicing Yoga.
5: To propagate Yoga and its application for holistic living and bringing harmony in the changing social dynamics.